
THC Recursive Machine

Druh inzerátu: Nabízím

THC Recursive Machine

23. 07. 2024 19:22  |  Hodnocení inzerátu: kladné hodnocení inzeratu (2)  |  Komentářů: 0

Je čerstvě postavený, otestovaný syntezátor, v plně funkčním stavu. Zcela nový.

The Recursive Machine is a portable, battery-powered, semi-modular synthesizer / noise machine from THC.

Recursive Machine features 2 VCOs, 1 VCF, 2 VCAs, 2 LFOs, a mixer and an effects section with distortion, digital spring reverb and 2 x PT2399 delays. The synth has a pre-wired signal path but this can be changed or expanded by patching. For example, VCA 1 and Delay 1 are controlled by LFO by default, while LFO2 affects VCA 2 and delay 2. The oscillators feature frequency modulation (FM) and other components such as the filter, distortion, and reverb have CV inputs for modulation. Another highlight is that the synthesizer is battery operated and includes a built-in speaker, so it can be used anywhere as a portable noise machine!



1 x VCF
1 x Distortion
1 x Digital Spring Reverb

x PT2399 Delay

1 x Mixer
1 x Speaker

ID inzerátu: 241330
Inzerent: daryak  |  Hodnocení uživatele: kladné hodnoceni recenzenta (0) / záporné hodnoceni recenzenta (0)
Region: Praha
E-mail: dnox1213 (zavináč) gmail.com
www: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-k1Vc_dl0Q
Cena: 16500 CZK



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