
Cre8audio Chipz & Cellz

Druh inzerátu: Nabízím

Cre8audio Chipz & Cellz

11. 06. 2024 09:43  |  Hodnocení inzerátu: kladné hodnocení inzeratu (0)  |  Komentářů: 0

Ahoj, rad bych vymenil nebo prodal tyto dva moduly za neco do euroracku (idealne za oscilatory nebo nejakej efekt)

Cellz: - 1 200 Kc

is a dual unipolar control voltage generator and that each of the 16 touch sensitive pads can be “fed” two 12bit values (semi-tone quantized or free scale), ranging from 0V to 10V." But really it's just simply a funky module you can use as a controller or a wacky sequencer.


Chipz : 1 500 Kc

is a Digital Double Oscillator with additional LFO and authentic 80s Sound between Casio and Arcade Consoles. The 2x Tone Generators each have Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Square and Noise and differ in their features in that Oscillator1 contains a Resonance-Free Filter and Oscillator 2 handles Pulse Width Modulation. The lowest unit in the Chipz is a reset-capable LFO, which provides the same 5x Waveforms. Output 2 of the LFO oscillates much slower than the first Output, which makes it more flexible.


Kupovano v Nifty Case bundlu, nehodi se mi do setupu zvukove a sekvencer pouzivam externi. Rad bych vymenil idealne za nejaky oscilator

ID inzerátu: 244568
Inzerent: smeti  |  Hodnocení uživatele: kladné hodnoceni recenzenta (2) / záporné hodnoceni recenzenta (0)
Region: Praha
E-mail: smetiproduction (zavináč) gmail.com
www: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vMU6tEXf40
Cena: Chipz : 1 500 Kc - Cellz: - 1 200 Kc CZK



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